How To Keep Your Houseplants Happy
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Saturday, June 15, 2019
By Charleston Flower Market
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Is it just us, or does caring for a houseplant sometimes feel like a bunch of guesswork? Which room is that spider plant going to like the most? Is that calla lily getting too much or not enough water? Wouldn’t it just be easier if all houseplants came with a guidebook? While we can’t give you an instruction manual for each plant in your home, we can help you out with some helpful tips to keep your future plant children thriving:

Tip #1: Don’t you forget about me.

We’ve all got a mountain of things to remember each day. Who has room in their brain to add one more thing to that list, even if it is just remembering to water a plant on a set schedule? However, caring for a houseplant doesn’t have to be another chore. Instead, it’s a brief moment of respite from your hectic life to nurture something beautiful. Each plant needs its own variation of water, sunlight, and, of course, love. So, set a reminder for yourself to take a break and care for your plants (and yourself)!

Tip #2: Blame it on the Roots.

Perhaps the most crucial step when taking care of a plant is choosing the right pot. Ideally, you want a pot that is wide and deep enough to accommodate the plant while allowing for growth and repot plants as they grow. The pot you choose must have drainage holes to allow excess water to escape in order to prevent root rot. A handy trick is to add a layer of pebbles or a coffee filter at the bottom of the pot before adding in the soil to keep water away from the roots.

Tip #3: Let Your Plant Speak to You.

If you notice your plant losing foliage, not showing signs of new growth, or looking as though it’s ‘sick’, take a minute to research your plant's needs and make sure you are accommodating them. Perhaps it’s not getting enough sunlight and you need to move it close to a large window that gets plenty of sunlight. Note: If a plant has been in one spot for a long time, it will go into shock when moved, so if you are planning to relocate it, do it gradually. Your plants prefer to be eased to its new location as opposed to a sudden shock!

Tip #4: Don’t Be So High Maintenance.

Having trouble keeping plants alive or simply don’t have enough hours in a day to tend to a finicky plant? The truth is, some plants are just easier than others. Pick houseplants that are easy going and don’t require much attention, such a snake plant, philodendron, or an aroid palm. instead of an often persnickety, yet beautiful orchid. Start with hardy indoor plants that can thrive well with minimal attention to begin with and ease into the problem children later on. 

Tip #5: You Grow Girl.

Give your houseplants a proper ‘hair trim’ every now and then so they can continue to grow healthy. Most plants need to be pruned in order to grow strong and vibrant. To this end, consider adding fertilizer to the soil to promote positive growth. You’ll be thankful you did when you see how healthy and vibrant your plants look. The internet is full of great tips on what snacks your houseplants might enjoy.

Ready to give your new green thumb a try and bring home a new plant from Charleston Flower Market to grow? Follow these tips and your home will be abloom in no time!

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